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Chungnam leads the way in creating an energy conversion roadmap

2020.01.03(금) 14:22:42 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Congressional forum at the National Assembly on September 24
to share early closure scenarios and issues
“Climate Response:
From Region to the World”

Chungnam brought to public attention the life cycle reduction of coal-fired power plants and GHG reduction roadmap and institutionalization plans. On September 24th, Chungnam held the 'Parliamentary Debate for Early Closure of Aging Coal-Fired Power Plants' at the National Assembly Library with more than 300 attendees including governor Yang Seung-jo and representatives of the Province-wide Council on Chungnam Coal-Fired Power Plants.
The debate was held to publicize the necessity to phase-out or discontinue the operation of aging coal-fired power plants in the midst of serious health problems caused by fine dust. Specifically, information-sharing and evaluation were made about the impact of the phased closure of coal-fired power plants on the electricity supply and demand system; the plan to increase community acceptance of the phase-out; and presentation of the provincial government’s coal phase-out strategies and plans.
Regarding the topic of ‘the Necessity to Close Aging Coal-Fired Power Plants in Chungnam and Possible Institutionalization Approaches,’ Yeo Hyeong-beom, a senior fellow at Chungnam Institute and Lee So-young, a lawyer made presentations, followed by a panel discussion led by Prof. Lee Young-hee from the Catholic University of Korea and participated by Jeong Byeong-rak, director of Future Industry Bureau of Chungnam, Yoon Yo-han, director of Electric Power Division of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and Prof. Kim Sun-tae of Ajou University.
The topics addressed by the senior fellow Yeo Hyeong-beom included: (1) Possible topics related to early closure of coal-fired power plants, (2) Staged closure scenarios, (3) Early closure issues and proposals for institutional improvement, and (4) The social consensus building process.

Chungnamleadsthewayincreatinganenergyconversionroadmap 1


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