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Chungnam declared ‘Climate Emergency’ for the first time in East Asia

2020.01.03(금) 14:20:32 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Eight countries including Korea,
Japan and Taiwan
Joined the effort to form the East Asia Climate Alliance
Renewal energy conversion
Zero emissions by 2050

Chungnam takes the lead in the green energy conversion policy along with the early closure of coal-fired power plants. The effort is expected to gain momentum through domestic and overseas alliance and cooperation. Chungnam played host to the '2019 International Conference on Coal Phase-out and Climate Change,' with more than 500 people from international organizations, government agencies, domestic environmental organizations, experts and residents at Splas Resom in Deoksan-myeon, Yesan-gun for two days from October 21-22. The conference was designed to preemptively respond to the new climate system under the Paris Agreement, which will enter into force in 2021.
Since the launch of the seventh directly elected local government, Chungnam, which has half of the nation's coal-fired power plants, has promoted various coal phase-out programs. Given that 76% of its residents recognize the seriousness of the damage caused by fine dust, and 80% of them agree on energy conversion, Chungnam has continued to strive to strengthen its international network with international environmental organizations and members of the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) as well as policy solidarity with related agencies.
On the first day, academic sessions were held for the purpose of publicizing domestic and international issues and status in relation to the response to a new climate system. Four sessions were composed as follows: (1) A joint seminar for regions with coal-fired power plants, (2) GHG reduction and local energy conversion, (3) Domestic and international policies for coal phase-out and climate response, and (4) Directions of Chungnam fine dust policy. Participants from domestic and international environmental and energy related organizations shared opinions on GHG reduction, fine dust pollution and energy conversion.
On the second day, the opening ceremony was followed by the declaration of ‘climate emergency’ by Chungnam and the joint declaration of climate change response by local governments in East Asia (Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan and Mongolia) in which the province proposed to form ‘the East Asian Regional Government Climate & Environment Coalition (tentatively named)’ to boost information sharing and cooperation among local governments.
Special/keynote speeches were given by Ban Ki-moon, chair of the National Council on Climate and Air Quality; Simon Smith, British ambassador to Korea; and Michael Reiterer, the EU ambassador to Korea. The opening ceremony session was concluded with the ‘From Region to the World Performance’ wishing for Chungnam’s initiatives on climate change including coal phase-out and to expand throughout the country and to the entire world.

ChungnamdeclaredClimateEmergencyforthefirsttimeinEastAsia 1


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