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Cultivate Janghang, as the hub of the marine bioindustry of the Republic of Korea

2020.01.03(금) 14:17:51 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Chungnam ‘fosters new industries’ in Janghang National Industrial Complex.
Revitalize local economy by attracting bio companies.
Accelerate HR training and commercialization process R&D.
Attract marine biotech incubators.
On October 3rd, Chungnam Provincial Office announced it was building the Janghang National Industrial Complex on an area of 2,750,779m² including 1,485,258m² reserved for industrial facilities in Janghang-eup and Maseo-myeon in Seocheon-gun with a budget of KRW328.3 billion. The complex whose construction began in 2008 will focus on attracting companies in areas such as marine biology, biotech, knowledge, transportation and beauty according to both Chungnam and Seocheon-gun.
Currently the Complex has attracted 21 companies for 10.7% of the total area. The province aims to create jobs and revitalize local economies by attracting more specialized businesses to the Complex in line with the creation of a marine bio-cluster in the area.
To that end, Chungnam and Seocheon-gun have designated 188,081m² of the land in the Complex as the area for marine biotech and have contacted affiliates of the country’s major corporations. Next year, they are planning to make an all-out effort to attract specialized companies through marine bio-related organizations and associations. In addition, by attracting the marine bioindustry incubator run by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries to the Complex, they will develop the area into Korea's marine biotech hub.
Most notably, they will promote research to produce marine biotech prototypes and accelerate the relevant commercialization process with an aim to develop one commercialization process and more than three prototypes based on marine biological materials by September 2020.
They will strongly appeal to the Ministry, among others, to choose the area for its marine biotech industry incubator given the area’s advantages in investment conditions, access, infrastructure and the local government’s commitment.

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